5 Sets
1 Front Squat (as heavy as possible)
*This structure can look a couple of different ways:
For Time
50ft Overhead Walking Lunge (75/55)
2 Rope Climbs
-at minute 2:00-
50ft Overhead Walking Lunge (95/65)
2 Rope Climbs
-at minute 4:00-
50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (115/80)
2 Rope Climbs
-at minute 6:00-
50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (135/95)
2 Rope Climbs
-at minute 8:00-
50ft Back Rack Walking Lunge (155/105)
2 Rope Climbs
-at minute 10:00-
50ft Back Rack Walking Lunge (185/125)
2 Rope Climbs
2 Power Clean + 3 Squat Clean + 4 Cluster + 5 Push Jerk @5/10 RPE
2 Power Clean + 3 Squat Clean + 4 Cluster + 5 Push Jerk @5.5/10 RPE
2 Power Clean + 3 Squat Clean + 4 Cluster + 5 Push Jerk @6/10 RPE
(optional set)
2 Power Clean + 3 Squat Clean + 4 Cluster + 5 Push Jerk @6.5/10 RPE
**Rest 1:30-2:00 between sets.
**Barbell Cycling Work = Unbroken Sets
AMRAP 2 Minutes
15 Bar Muscle Ups
Max Thrusters in remaining time (135/95)
-rest 2 minutes-
AMRAP 2 Minutes
15 Thrusters (135/95)
Max Bar Muscle Ups in remaining time
-rest 4 minutes-
AMRAP 2 Minutes
30 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Max Thrusters in remaining time (95/65)
-rest 2 minutes-
AMRAP 2 Minutes
30 Thrusters (95/65)
Max Chest To Bar Pull Ups in remaining time
3 Sets
1 Snatch @65-70% 1RM Snatch
3 Sets
1 Snatch @70-75% 1RM Snatch
3 Sets
1 Snatch @75-80% 1RM Snatch
3 Sets
1 Snatch (As heavy as possible)
*Don’t worry about hitting specific numbers, just hit a heavy stimulus!
**Rest 60-90 seconds in between sets.
3 Sets:
AMRAP 6 Minutes
7 Power Snatches (115/80)
14/11 Calorie Row (OR Ski)
48 Double Unders
-rest 2 minute b/t sets-
3 Sets
10-12 Straddle Seated Dumbbell Z Press @6-6.5/10 RPE
5 Supinated Grip Barbell Bent Over Row @8.5-9/10 RPE
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
6 Sets
6 Shuttle Runs (50ft)
12 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
18 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-
5 Sets
1 Back Squat (As heavy as possible)
*This structure can look a couple of different ways:
5 Sets
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
100ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (2×35/25) (No Pause/step through)
-rest 1:1-
3 Sets
10 Bodyweight Front Foot Elevated Deep Lunge (each side)
*Rest 60 seconds between sets.
NCC Qual Event 5&6
“Max Handstand Hold” & “Top Heavy”
Against a 3:00 clock:
Establish longest unbroken freestanding handstand hold
At 3:00 mark Event 6 begins…
For time:
50/40 calorie Air Bike
25 Handstand Push Ups
50 Toes to Bar
25 Handstand Push Ups
150 foot Overhead Walking Lunge with (45/35) bumper plate
3 Sets
1 Clean & Jerk @65% 1RM Clean & Jerk
3 Sets
1 Clean & Jerk @70% 1RM Clean & Jerk
3 Sets
1 Clean & Jerk @75% 1RM Clean & Jerk
3 Sets
1 Clean & Jerk As Heavy As Possible (AHAP)
*DON’T worry about hitting specific numbers, just hit a heavy stimulus!
*Rest 90 seconds between sets.
10 Minute EMOM
5 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95)
*Pick a weight you can keep unbroken.
-rest 2 minutes-
10 Minute EMOM
10 Box Jump overs (24/20)
3 Sets
5 Bench Press @8-8.5/10 RPE
12-15 Pause Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row @6/10 RPE
*2 sec pause at the top of row.
**Rest 2-3 min between sets.
***Score Bent Over Row in notes.
3:00 Max Calorie Assault Bike
-3:00 rest-
3:00 Max 25ft Shuttle Run
-3:00 rest-
3:00 Max Calorie Row
-3:00 rest-
2:00 Max Calorie Assault Bike
-2:00 rest-
2:00 Max 25ft Shuttle Run
-2:00 rest-
2:00 Max Calorie Row
-2:00 rest-
1:00 Max Calorie Assault Bike
-1:00 rest-
1:00 Max 25ft Shuttle Run
-1:00 rest-
1:00 Max Calorie Row
5 Sets
1 Front Squat (as heavy as possible)
*This structure can look a couple of different ways:
5 Sets:
20 Calorie Ski (OR Row)
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
5 Ring Muscle Ups
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-
3 Sets
10 Pulsing Bulgarian Split Squat @6-7/10 RPE
*1 & ¼ = 1 Rep (see demo video)
**Rest 60 seconds between sets.
NCC Qualifier Event 3
“One Way Ticket”
EMOM until failure to complete:
Minute 1: 1 Bar Muscle Up
Minute 2: 2 Over and Back Burpees
Minute 3: 3 Thrusters (95/65)
*Every time through the EMOM sequence athletes must add 1 Bar Muscle Up, 2 Over and Back Burpees, and 3 Thrusters.
**Flow in workout prep notes