Workout of the Day


WOD: Friday


10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
*Focus on strong lockout and pause at top showing good control.
**Goal is to use 100% of last week’s tough 10 for all 3 sets today.


5 sets (1 set every 3:00)
1:30 Ski moderate (OR Row)
10 Strict Pull-Up
15 Push Ups

-rest 3-5 minutes-

For Time:
75 Bench Press (185/125)**
*Every time you break perform 1 Legless Rope Climb (OR 10 Ring Rows)

-rest 3-5 minutes-

75 ring row with feet elevated and body parallel to the ground
*Every time you break complete: 10 strict dips (Ring OR Bar)

*Scored as other/text so that you can enter in all info that you want to be saved for reference.

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Cook’s Kitchen

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WOD: Thursday

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WOD: Wednesday


8 minute EMOM
2 Touch’n go Power Snatch @ 60% of 1RM
-straight into-
2 Broad Jumps for distance (over speed)


1 Set
5 minute Ski
50 Banded Glute Bridge
5 minute Row
40 Yard Sandbag Carry (150/100)
5 minute Ski
50 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls
5 minute Row
40 yard Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (2×70/53)

Cash-out: If you’re feeling good, do another set!


WOD: Tuesday


3 Wide Grip Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE + 10 Barbell Bicep Curl + 20 Supinated Grip Barbell Row
3 Wide Grip Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE + 10 Barbell Bicep Curl + 20 Supinated Grip Barbell Row
3 Wide Grip Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE + 10 Barbell Bicep Curl + 20 Supinated Grip Barbell Row
3 Wide Grip Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE + 10 Barbell Bicep Curl + 20 Supinated Grip Barbell Row


3 Rounds
400m Run
30 GHD Sit Ups
20 Wall Balls (30/20) (10/9)

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WOD: Monday


3 Front Squats (every 10 seconds, perform 1 squat) @ 78-83% 1 RM Front Squat
3 Front Squats (every 10 seconds, perform 1 squat) @ 78-83% 1 RM Front Squat
3 Front Squats (every 10 seconds, perform 1 squat) @ 78-83% 1 RM Front Squat

*Flow: Start standing with bar in front rack at :10, :20 and :30 perform 1 Front Squat.


AMRAP 10 Minutes @ 70% effort
5 Burpee Ring Muscle Ups
25 Crossover Singles
50ft Kettlebell Goblet Lunge (70/53)

-Rest 5 minutes-

AMRAP 10 Minutes @ 70% effort
15/12 Calorie Ski
15ft Handstand Walk
15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
15ft Handstand Walk

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Saturday Partner WOD!!

Teams of 2: 25m AMRAP

  • 10 x Wall Walks
  • 20 x Power Cleans (155/105)
  • 30 x Burpee Box Jump-overs
  • 40 x T2B
  • 50 x Cal Ski
  • 100 x Double Unders

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WOD: Saturday

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WOD: Friday


3 Back Squat @ 80% 1 RM Back Squat
3 Back Squat @ 80% 1 RM Back Squat
3 Back Squat @ 85% 1 RM Back Squat
3 Back Squat @ 85% 1 RM Back Squat
3 Back Squat @ 85+% 1 RM Back Squat


2 Rounds
50 GHD Sit Ups
75 Wall balls (20/14) (10ft)


WOD: Thursday

Strength/Skill: 5 Sets

  • 3-5 Strict Pull-ups (4s negative or just negatives if you don’t have pull-ups yet)
  • 30s DB/KB Overhead Holds
  • 90s Plank

Metcon: 4 x Intervals (1m on/30s off)

  • Max Cal Row
  • Max Reps Complex: (5 x KB Swings, 5 x KB High Pulls, 5 x KB Gob Squats w/light KB)
  • Max Cal Ski
  • Max Reps Complex: (10 x V-ups, 10 x Pikes, 10 x Flutter Kicks)

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WOD: Wednesday


3 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk @ 70% 1 RM Push Press
3 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk @ 72-75% 1 RM Push Press
3 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk @ 75-80% 1 RM Push Press


Wall Walks
*150ft Dumbbell Farmers Carry (2×70/50) after each set

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10 Minutes (one set every minute)
3 Low Hang Power Clean @60% 1RM Clean
*Touch and Go from below knee.
**Focusing on efficiency and speed.


3 Rounds
2 Rope Climbs (15ft)
10 Box Get Overs (48/40)
-rest 2:00-
2 Rounds
3 Rope Climbs (15ft)
15 Box Jump Overs (30/24)
-rest 2:00-
1 Round
6 Rope Climbs (15ft)
30 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

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WOD: Tuesday