WOD: Friday
14 Seated Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curls @ 7-8/10 RPE + 10 Pause Bar Dips
14 Seated Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curls @ 7-8/10 RPE + 10 Pause Bar Dips
14 Seated Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curls @ 7-8/10 RPE + 10 Pause Bar Dips
14 Seated Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curls @ 7-8/10 RPE + 10 Pause Bar Dips
*Pause for 1 second at top and bottom of each bar dip
**Score is for Bicep Curls
***Rest as needed between sets
Individual Version:
AMRAP 15 Minutes
20/16 Calorie Echo Bike
10 x Shuttles (25′ up and back is 1)