Workout of the Day


WOD: Wednesday


5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets.
**Light, focus on foot work and speed.


5 sets (1 set every 6 minutes)
1000m Bike Erg*
400m Run

*sets 1/3/5 = damper 4
*set 2 = damper 8
*set 4 = damper 10

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8 Tempo Romanian Deadlift @65-72.5%
8 Tempo Romanian Deadlift @65-72.5%
8 Tempo Romanian Deadlift @65-72.5%
8 Tempo Romanian Deadlift @65-72.5%
*Rest 3 Min between sets w/:30 Hip Flexor Band Stretch
**Tempo is 3:0:X:1 AKA 3 sec down, 0 sec pause, Xplode up, 1 sec at top.
***Build off feel. Keep a little in the tank.


For Time
Devil Press (2×50/35)
GHD Sit Ups

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WOD: Tuesday

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WOD: Monday


3 Back Squat @ 60% 1RM Back Squat
2 Back Squat @ 70% 1RM Back Squat
1 Back Squat @ 80% 1RM Back Squat


3 sets @ consistent effort (75-80% pacing)
4 Rounds of Strict Cindy
30/24 Calorie Echo Bike
-rest 5 minutes b/t sets-

*Strict Cindy:
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats


WOD: Saturday

Saturday Partner WOD!!

Teams of 2: 10 Rounds

  • 16 x Burpees
  • 16 x DL (225/155)
  • 16 x Box Jumps
  • 200m Run (together)

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WOD: Friday


12 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
12 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
12 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
*Focus on strong lockout and pause at top showing good control.
**Goal is to use 100% of last week’s tough 10 for all 3 sets today.


2 Rounds:
25 Strict Supinated Pull Ups
50 Ring Push Ups (OR Dumbbell Push Ups)
75 V Ups

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5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets.
**Light, focus on foot work and speed.


AMRAP 20 Minutes
2000m Ski (OR Row)
-in remaining time-
AMRAP “Odd Dumbbell Linda”:
Deadlift (2×100/70)
Bench Press (2×70/50)
Squat Clean (2×50/35)

*After the 1s, go back to the 9s for descending reps again! Repeat until the 20 minutes is up.

**Barbell Rx’d Sub Options:
Deadlifts (225/155)
Bench Press (155/105)
Squat Clean (135/95)

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WOD: Wednesday

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WOD: Tuesday


12 Tempo Romanian Deadlift @60-65%
12 Tempo Romanian Deadlift @60-65%
12 Tempo Romanian Deadlift @60-65%
12 Tempo Romanian Deadlift @60-65%
*Rest 3 Min between sets w/:30 Hip Flexor Band Stretch
**Tempo is 3:0:X:1 AKA 3 sec down, 0 sec pause, Xplode up, 1 sec at top.
***Build off feel. Keep a little in the tank.


AMRAP 15 Minutes
Rope Climbs
25-50-75-100ft Sled Push (180/145)

*After 4 Rope Climbs and 100ft sled go back to 1 and 25ft to start the sequence over!


WOD: Monday


Build to a Heavy Single Front Squat for the day.


2 sets
3 Rounds
3 Wall Walks
5 Box Jump with Step Down (30/24)
7 Toes to Bar
9 Wall Ball (20/14) (10/9)
35 Double Unders
-rest 5 minutes b/t sets-

Cash-out: do one more if you feel good!

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WOD: Saturday

Saturday Partner WOD!!

Teams of 2:

4 Rounds: Each

  • 12 Cal Ski
  • 6 x DB DL
  • 6 x DB Hang Clean
  • 6 x DB Front Squat

4 Rounds: Alternate

  • 400m Run
  • 12 x Burpee Box Jump-overs

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10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
*Focus on strong lockout and pause at top showing good control.
**Goal is to use 100% of last week’s tough 10 for all 3 sets today.


5 sets (1 set every 3:00)
1:30 Ski moderate (OR Row)
10 Strict Pull-Up
15 Push Ups

-rest 3-5 minutes-

For Time:
75 Bench Press (185/125)**
*Every time you break perform 1 Legless Rope Climb (OR 10 Ring Rows)

-rest 3-5 minutes-

75 ring row with feet elevated and body parallel to the ground
*Every time you break complete: 10 strict dips (Ring OR Bar)

*Scored as other/text so that you can enter in all info that you want to be saved for reference.

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WOD: Friday