WOD: Tuesday
2 Tempo Strict Press + 3 Explosive Strict Press + 3 Tall Jerk + 3 Jerk Balance @5/10 RPE
2 Tempo Strict Press + 3 Explosive Strict Press + 3 Tall Jerk + 3 Jerk Balance @5/10 RPE
2 Tempo Strict Press + 3 Explosive Strict Press + 3 Tall Jerk + 3 Jerk Balance @5/10 RPE
2 Tempo Strict Press + 3 Explosive Strict Press + 3 Tall Jerk + 3 Jerk Balance @5/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets.
**Tempo Strict Press is 1:0:5:0 (1 second down, no pause, 5 seconds on the way up, no pause between reps). Explosive is no pause at the bottom and explode up.
For Time
60 Calorie Ski
40 Hang Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
20 Ring Muscle Ups
40 Hang Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
60 Calorie Ski