Workout of the Day


WOD: Tuesday


EMOM for 5 Min:
Min 1: 1 Power Snatch @ 85% 1RM Power Snatch
Min 2: 1 Power Snatch @ 85% 1RM Power Snatch
Min 3: 1 Power Snatch @ 85% 1RM Power Snatch
Min 4: 1 Power Snatch @ 85% 1RM Power Snatch
Min 5: 1 Power Snatch @ 85% 1RM Power Snatch
*Play around with different depths of receiving the barbell.


For Time
150 Double Unders
15 Ring Muscle Ups
30 Burpee Box Get Over (48/40)
15 Ring Muscle Ups
150 Double Unders