Workout of the Day


WOD: Monday


:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 4 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 55% 1RM Front Squat
:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 4 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 60% 1RM Front Squat
:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 4 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 65% 1RM Front Squat
:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 4 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 70% 1RM Front Squat
:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 4 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 70+% 1 RM Front Squat


5 Sets
1000m Bike Erg
15 Lateral Burpee over Dumbbells
15 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (2×50/35)
-rest 2 minutes b/t sets-