WOD: Friday
10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
10 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
*Focus on strong lockout and pause at top showing good control.
**Goal is to use 100% of last week’s tough 10 for all 3 sets today.
5 sets (1 set every 3:00)
1:30 Ski moderate (OR Row)
10 Strict Pull-Up
15 Push Ups
-rest 3-5 minutes-
For Time:
75 Bench Press (185/125)**
*Every time you break perform 1 Legless Rope Climb (OR 10 Ring Rows)
-rest 3-5 minutes-
75 ring row with feet elevated and body parallel to the ground
*Every time you break complete: 10 strict dips (Ring OR Bar)
*Scored as other/text so that you can enter in all info that you want to be saved for reference.