Workout of the Day


WOD: Tuesday


3 Wide Grip Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE + 10 Barbell Bicep Curl + 20 Supinated Grip Barbell Row
3 Wide Grip Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE + 10 Barbell Bicep Curl + 20 Supinated Grip Barbell Row
3 Wide Grip Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE + 10 Barbell Bicep Curl + 20 Supinated Grip Barbell Row
3 Wide Grip Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE + 10 Barbell Bicep Curl + 20 Supinated Grip Barbell Row


3 Rounds
400m Run
30 GHD Sit Ups
20 Wall Balls (30/20) (10/9)