WOD: Sunday

12 Days of Fitmas!
- 12 x Thrusters
- 11 x HSPU
- 10 x Bike Cals
- 9 x Box Jumps
- 8 x Ski Cals
- 7 x Wallballs
- 6 x Push Jerks
- 5 – Hang Squat Cleans
- 4 – T2B
- 3 – Devil Press
- 2 – Muscle-up (6 x Ring Rows)
- 1 – Sled Push (1 Way)
Complete workout just like the song! (1 Sled Push, then 2 Muscle-ups and 1 Sled Push, then 3 Devil Press 2 Muscle-ups and 1 Sled Push). Each round ends with the sled push. Workout is complete at the end of round 12’s sled push.