WOD: Monday
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 5/10 RPE
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 5.5/10 RPE
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 6/10 RPE
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 6.5/10 RPE
5 DEEP In the Hole Front Squat @ 6.5/10 RPE
Metcon: For time
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Air Squats
15 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
45 Air Squats
20 Pull Ups
40 Push Ups
60 Air Squats
25 Pull Ups
50 Push Ups
75 Air Squats
30 Pull Ups
60 Push Ups
90 Air Squats